Take advantage of extra non-concessional contributions
A special rule enables you to ‘bring forward’ up to three years' worth of contributions.
If you are under 75, you may make up to three years' worth of extra non-concessional contributions in a single year. This means you ‘bring forward’ your non-concessional cap up to two financial years. This allows you to contribute up to $360,000 in one financial year.
To access the bring forward arrangement in 2024/25:
- You must be under 75 years of age on 1 July of the first financial year (trigger year). Before 2022/23 the age was under 67 years.
- If you have a on 30 June 2024, your ability to take advantage of these arrangements in 2024/25 will be limited as shown below.
The following table shows the bring-forward arrangement for the first year:
Scroll table horizontally on mobile
Total super balance on 30 June of previous year |
Non-concessional contributions cap for the first year |
Bring-forward period |
Less than $1.66 million |
$360,000 |
3 years |
$1.66 million to less than $1.78 million |
$240,000 |
2 years |
$1.78 million to less than $1.9 million |
$120,000 |
No bring-forward period, general non-concessional contributions cap applies |
$1.9 million or more |
nil |
Not applicable |
If you contribute $360,000 in one financial year, you'll need to wait two financial years to contribute more.