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Living and working in Australia on a temporary visa doesn’t just allow you to experience this beautiful country. While you are here earning money, your employer is most likely paying you super. When it’s time to leave Australia for good, you can apply to take your super with you.Ìý

Key points:

  • If you worked in Australia on a temporary visa, you can withdraw your super if:Ìý
    • your visa has expired or been cancelled, andÌý
    • you’ve already left Australia.Ìý
  • You can't submit your application until you’ve left Australia, but it helps to get started before you go.Ìý
  • You’ll need to make your claim within six months of leaving Australia.ÌýÌý
  • If you’re an Australian citizen leaving permanently, the same rules apply to your super, as if you were living in Australia. This means your super must stay in your super fund(s) until you are eligible to access it. Find out when you can withdraw your super.Ìý
  • The amount of tax you pay when you withdraw your super early will depend on several factors.ÌýÌý
  • Tax is withheld from your final payment.Ìý Ìý

Access your super when you leave AustraliaÌý

You need to meet conditions to apply to withdraw your super.

These include:

  • You entered Australia on a temporary visa issued under the Migration Act 1958 (except subclasses 405 and 410)
  • Your visa has expired or been cancelled
  • You have already left Australia
  • You are not a permanent resident of Australia or an Australian or New Zealand citizen

If you meet these conditions, you can withdraw your super as a Departing Australia Superannuation Payment (DASP). The amount of tax you pay will depend on several factors. Tax is withheld from your final payment.ÌýÌý

You can only submit a DASP application when you have left Australia and do not hold an active visa. However, we recommend you start your DASP application while you are still in Australia and have all the relevant information handy.

Contact us if you need help completing your application.

How much will I be taxed

The following table summarises the tax treatment which generally applies for non-residents who receive super benefits from an Australian taxed super fund.

Scroll table horizontally on mobile

Withdrawal Type Australian tax return Australian tax treatment
Lump sum as a Departing Australian Superannuation Payment (DASP) No
  • Taxable component (element untaxed) – 45%
  • Taxable component (element taxed) – 35%
  • Tax free component – Nil


Since 1 July, 2017 the tax rate for Working Holiday Makers (WHM) is 65% for both taxed and untaxed elements. WHM’s are those on the following visa types:


  • Subclass 417 (working holiday
  • Subclass 462 (work and holiday)
  • Related bridging visas


How to apply for early release of your super

You can't submit your application until you’ve left Australia, but it helps to get started before you go.

It is easier to complete some documents while you're still in Australia. When you leave, you have 6 months to apply to release your super. If you don’t apply we will transfer your money to the ATO as unclaimed super. You will need to claim it from the ATO.

Before you go

1. Make sure you meet the ATO requirements
Check your eligibility.

2. Find your super
You might have several super accounts if you had more than one employer in Australia. You can find your super through your account. If you have more than $5,000 in super, you may need to provide extra paperwork.

Please note, original copies of your passport is required if your payment amount is over $5,000 along with signed written confirmation of your bank account details including, account name, account number, and BSB. If you provide overseas bank account we require signed confirmation that your overseas bank will accept funds in Australian dollars.

Who can certify a document as a true copy if you are outside Australia?

Proof of identity documents must be certified as a true copy of the original by one of the following authorised persons: · A consular staff at an Australia Embassy, High Commission or Consulate; · A public notary or other person authorised to administer an oath or affirmation or to authenticate documents in the country you are visiting or living in. Please note, the professions listed can only certify documents outside Australia if they work or are registered in Australia. When documents are certified outside Australia, the certifier must quote their registration number or the relevant law that qualifies them to authenticate the documents. Further details on how to have documents certified from outside of Australia can be found on our form on our Providing Proof of Identity form

3. Prepare your documentation
Make copies of your ID documents and get them certified by a qualified person in Australia. Take these with you when you leave so you can include them in your application.

4. Make sure you have proof of your departure
When you leave, make sure Australian Customs date stamps your passport as proof you have left.

After you leave Australia

You can choose either of these options to apply for your DASP payment .

1. You can apply:

Online ApplicationÌý(The easiest method of claiming a DASP benefit is via the ATO)

  • Online using the ATO’sÌý (free of charge) Ìýonline application system;

The ATO will require the following information:

  • Name
  • Date of birth
  • Email address
  • Passport number and country
  • Name of superannuation fund and account number
  • Australian tax file number
  • Certified proof of ID

Paper Application

  • Signed written confirmation of your bank account details

  • download and post a Ìý- including a visa cancellation from Department of Immigration and Border Protection (DIBP) or alternatively, a Certification of Immigration Status (form 1194) is required to:

    GPO BOX 89
    Melbourne VIC 3001

  • Certified copy of your passport

Payment - International money transfer in Australian Dollolars (AUD) only


We can confirm that the ATO will advise us that you have departed Australia and ensure that your visa has been cancelled/expired through the Department of Immigration, rather than you having to provide your own evidence.

You can receive your money by:

  • cheque in Australian dollars
  • international money transfer, or
  • have it transferred to an Australian bank account.

Fees and foreign exchange rates may apply.

2.ÌýWhen to expect payment

Payment is generally made within 28 days from receiving your application.

If your information is not complete, you may be contacted for more information.

Contact usÌýif you need help applying for a Departing Australia Superannuation Payment.

New Zealand Citizens

If you are a New Zealand citizen, you can transfer your super to a New Zealand KiwiSaver account.

You can start the process once you have permanently moved to New Zealand. You need to open a KiwiSaver account that accepts money from Australian super funds.

If you are ready to transfer your 91ºÚÁÏ balance to a KiwiSaver account, follow these steps:

  • Download the Trans-Tasman Transfer form (PDF 191kB)
  • Complete your personal details
  • Provide your KiwiSaver scheme account details
  • Complete the statutory declaration
  • Provide proof of identity documents with your application. If you have already provided them, you don’t need to do so again. This is unless they have expired or your name and address have changed
  • Post the completed form to:
    GPO BOX 89
    Melbourne VIC 3001

Contact usÌýif you need help applying for a Departing Australia Superannuation Payment.

Where next

Simple advice at no extra cost

Take advantage of simple financial advice over the phone or virtually. Our superannuation advisers can help with questions about your 91ºÚÁÏ account.

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